109 research outputs found

    A quantum delayed choice experiment

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    Quantum systems exhibit particle-like or wave-like behaviour depending on the experimental apparatus they are confronted by. This wave-particle duality is at the heart of quantum mechanics, and is fully captured in Wheeler's famous delayed choice gedanken experiment. In this variant of the double slit experiment, the observer chooses to test either the particle or wave nature of a photon after it has passed through the slits. Here we report on a quantum delayed choice experiment, based on a quantum controlled beam-splitter, in which both particle and wave behaviours can be investigated simultaneously. The genuinely quantum nature of the photon's behaviour is tested via a Bell inequality, which here replaces the delayed choice of the observer. We observe strong Bell inequality violations, thus showing that no model in which the photon knows in advance what type of experiment it will be confronted by, hence behaving either as a particle or as wave, can account for the experimental data

    Experimental Perfect Quantum State Transfer

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    The transfer of data is a fundamental task in information systems. Microprocessors contain dedicated data buses that transmit bits across different locations and implement sophisticated routing protocols. Transferring quantum information with high fidelity is a challenging task, due to the intrinsic fragility of quantum states. We report on the implementation of the perfect state transfer protocol applied to a photonic qubit entangled with another qubit at a different location. On a single device we perform three routing procedures on entangled states with an average fidelity of 97.1%. Our protocol extends the regular perfect state transfer by maintaining quantum information encoded in the polarisation state of the photonic qubit. Our results demonstrate the key principle of perfect state transfer, opening a route toward data transfer for quantum computing systems

    Atomically-thin quantum dots integrated with lithium niobate photonic chips

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    The electro-optic, acousto-optic and nonlinear properties of lithium niobate make it a highly versatile material platform for integrated quantum photonic circuits. A prerequisite for quantum technology applications is the ability to efficiently integrate single photon sources, and to guide the generated photons through ad-hoc circuits. Here we report the integration of quantum dots in monolayer WSe2 into a Ti in-diffused lithium niobate directional coupler. We investigate the coupling of individual quantum dots to the waveguide mode, their spatial overlap, and the overall efficiency of the hybrid-integrated photonic circuit

    Upgrading the Wiener index

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    The Wiener index W is the oldest molecular-graph-based structure-descriptor. It is defined as the sum of the distances of all pairs of vertices of the molecular graph G, where the distance is the number of edges in the shortest path connecting the respective vertices, and where G is the hydrogen-depleted molecular graph. This seemingly very simple topological index could be "upgraded" (a) by using as the distance the sum of the bond lengths along the shortest path, or (b) by using the Euclidean distance between the respective pairs of atoms. Each of these "upgraded" Wiener indices could be computed either (α) for the hydrogen-depleted or (β) for the hydrogen-filled molecular graph. We provide examples showing that none of the modifications (aα), (aβ), (bα), (bβ) yields better results than the ordinary Wiener index, and that there is a very good linear correlation between W and its "upgraded" variants.Centro de Química Inorgánica (CEQUINOR